SMS/TXT Message Contest Rules and Information
CycloneFPV.com is going to start running a new promotion / contest for all of our customers. The rules are simple so please pay close attention and do your best to play fair and honest. The following rules are currently in place:
Register - You must be signed up to receive sms/txt message promotions from CycloneFPV. If you have not signed up yet, you will need to do so prior to participating. Winners who are not registered prior to playing will void their win and the next validated winner will be awarded the prize. To register for our online sms/txt message promotions, please click here. Please note that this is not shared with any third party apps or vendors or anyone! I hate when companies do that crap to me, so I make sure not to do it to you.
- Starting - Registered recipients will receive instructions and/or specific information exclusive to sms/txt recipients only. This information will include a code word that will need to be posted to the designated Facebook page indicated in your sms/txt. Simply click on the link, post the code word, and then wait.
- The Winner - The person who has posted the correct code word first will be considered the winner. It is important to note that the code word must be spelled properly and it will be case sensitive. Those of you with auto-correct need to be careful to make sure your code word is not changed when you post. For example, if the code word is WiNnOw and you type winnow or auto-correct puts window, it won't count. It's simple. If it does not match what I send, it does not count. That's part of the fun.
- The Argument - In the event that two or more posts are time stamped on Facebook with the same hour and minute (ie. 2:04) then the final decision will be made by pulling the nested code from the stamp and inserting it into the website at unixtimestamp.com. This method will report back the time to the hundredth of a second.
- The Ass - If you are a sore loser, simply cannot see the fun in the idea here, or just suck, please don't play. I have already dealt with one person who turned into a complete ass when he found out that he did not win. Hey, it's simple. Second is not First. First is First. Not third place. Not fourth place. So please, have fun and enjoy the fact that this is FREEEEEEEE and that no one forces you to play. By the same token, no one forces me to include anyone in future games if they are going to act like an ass. That simple.
Ok, now that all that is said, let's get down to the nitty gritty for those individuals that do win:
- Shipping - Winners are responsible for 100% of all shipping charges. Items will be shipped via USPS with tracking. There is no exception to this so please do not ask.
- Account Creation - Winners MUST have an account created prior to shipping the item. The reason for this is due to the tracking and shipping calculations that can only be factored in when they are tied to an account.
- 7 Days - Winners will have seven days (which includes the day of the contest) to create an account and pay for shipping. Any items that are left unpaid for more than seven days will be placed back in rotation for a new contest. Just to be clear - let's say you win at 12pm on a Monday. You have until the following Monday (12AM) to have paid and created your account. Using the same example, let's now assume you win at 11:50PM on Monday. You still have until 12AM the following Monday to have created your account and paid. So, if you are wanting to make sure your time frame is right, you would count the day you win as day 1 and so on (M1 T2 W3 Th4 F5 S6 Su7)
- Payment Options - You will only be able to pay using the online forms of payment that we provide from our store. This includes Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. No Checks. No Cash. No Pesos. No Exceptions.
Ok that does it. The fact that I have to put so much information down for what was intended to just be something fun for everyone is disturbing but hey, this is the world we live in. Please don't give me a hard time about this. I don't have the time or energy to argue about something you are trying to get for free. I am sure you understand.
Ok, GOOOOOOOD LUCK!!! Let's have some fun!!!