TSA Rules and Regulations for February 2020 Events

TSA Rules and Regulations for February 2020 Events

TSA Rules and Regulations for February 2020 Events from Cyclone FPV

The following information was provided to me on February 22, 2020. If you intend on racing in this TSA Event, please make sure to read the information carefully. The full TSA Document can be found here.

Due to the limited time remaining, the following kit is the only one that we can recommend at this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

FrSky Apus Drone Kit from Cyclone FPV


Additional 1S LiPo Batteries

Tutorials For This Build Configuration

Apus MQ60 Betaflight Dump Files:

Step 1: Building the Apus M60 Mini Quad

Step 2: Setting up the Transmitter and Binding

Step 3: Configuring with BetaFlight


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