Drone Tutorials
FrSky Updates Downloads Firmware and Tutorials
FrSky Updates Downloads Firmware and Tutorials from Cyclone FPV
X9D Plus Update OpenTX 2.3 add Long Range R9M and R9MM
X9D Plus Update OpenTX 2.3 add Long Range R9M and R9MM from Cyclone FPV
FrSky R9Slim+ Setup SBus and Telemetry on F4 (Testing Hobbywing and F4SD Target)
FrSky R9Slim+ Setup SBus and Telemetry on F4 (Testing Hobbywing and F4SD Target)
FrSky R9MM with SPort and Sbus and RSSI and Telemetry on F4 FC
Follow as we add RSSI and Telemetry to the R9MM receiver and F4 Flight Controller.
Open-TX Updates Downloads Firmware and Tutorials
Open-TX Updates Downloads Firmware and Tutorials
Radio Link AT9S Tight Sticks - Reduce Sensitivity from Cyclone FPV
Radio Link AT9S Tight Sticks - Reduce Sensitivity from Cyclone FPV
FireFly Camera Firmware Update Instructions from Cyclone FPV
FireFly Camera Firmware Update Instructions from Cyclone FPV
Setting Up Your ViFly Finder
Use this video to help you setup the ViFly Finder 2 - I did the install on a Diatone build but the instructions can be used on any build.
QX7 R9M/R9MM Updates
Watch the videos and follow along as you setup your QX7 with your R9M and R9MM / R9Mini Receiver from Cyclone FPV.
Setting Up Taranis X9D+ TBS Crossfire / Nano and R9M/ R9MM
Setting Up Taranis X9D+ TBS Crossfire / Nano and R9M/ R9MM
In an effort to help assist my customers with their new X9D+, I have created this video that details the proper steps to setup and update the firmware on your new Taranis X9D+ transmitter as well as how to setup the TBS Crossfire module and Nano Receiver. I have also added to this the entire setup details for the FrSky R9M and R9MM configuration to work with the X9D+.